The program
12 ― 20 April 2024 in Brussels
A multidisciplinary show
Le Songe is a re-imagining of the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare which uses the migration issue as the focal point of the story. In this revisited version, a theater troupe rehearsing the famous play sees its day take an unexpected turn when part of the group welcomes migrants in distress into the theater incognito.
In Le Songe, the public will (re)discover extracts from Shakespeare’s play, but the interest of this quasi-adaptation lies more in the themes of the show – those of solidarity, empathy, humanity – than in a faithful rewriting of the text. Designed as a dramatic comedy, spectators will laugh as well as be moved and will emerge with a surge of hope.
With: Ben Hamidou, Sibel Dincer, Yves-Marina Gnahoua, Maya de Waele, Skander, Benjamin Poignard, Emma Cohen-Hadria, Benoit Finschi, Florencia De Simone, Amélie Denayer l Writing and direction: Jamal Youssfi l Assistant to the director: Camélia Clair l Choreography: Shaula Cambazzu l Musical composition: Bastien Charlery l Scenography: Cassandra Cristin l Lighting design: Renaud Ceulemans l Costumes: Hayat Youssfi l Stylist: Eleni Spentamidou l Writing support: Serge Kribus.
Performance dates
Friday 12 April
Saturday 13 April
Sunday 14 April
Tuesday 16 April
Wednesday 17 April
Thursday 18 April
Friday 19 April
Saturday 20 April
➝ 19.30 (full)
➝ 19.00 (full)
➝ 16.00 (full)
➝ 19.00 (full)
➝ 15.00 (full)
➝ 14.00 (full)
➝ 19.00 (full)
➝ 19.00 (full)
If you wanna get on the waiting list, contact us by email or telephone at 02 219 11 98.
An exhibition
A photographic and multidisciplinary exhibition will be open alongside the performances of Le Songe. Titled Beyond Borders, it was created by social and environmental photojournalist Serena Magnolia Gatti, in collaboration with borderline-europe. As part of La Nomad House, she traveled to partner countries to meet people and collect their stories. The exhibition, featuring work of her own alongside with other authors, delves into some of the challenges faced both along the perilous external borders of Europe and within Europe itself.

A conference
A cycle of 6 conferences coordinated by the University of Liège in Belgium was developed as part of La Nomad House, based on workshops carried out with migrants and the testimonies that emerged. In each of the 6 partner countries where La Nomad House will be located, a conference with a specific theme linked to migration will take place in the presence of a panel of experts.
In Brussels, the conference will focus on the representations of migrants and migration in cultural practices and will take place on Thursday April 18 at 9.30.
Opening words
Academic session
Round-table discussion
Closing words
Food break and visit of the exhibition
Performance of Le Songe
A special program on April 20
To mark the 60th anniversary of Moroccan and Turkish immigration to Belgium, the theatre company Les Voyageurs sans Bagage is organising a special programme on 20 April, to round off the Brussels chapter of La Nomad House in style. You’ll be able to spend the day with music with concerts and attend a special performance at 8.45pm of the play La vie c’est comme un arbre. This play tells the story of three young job-seekers living in Tangier who embark on a burlesque and delirious odyssey to try and find work in Belgium.
Our support
Co-financed by the European Union. In coproduction with La Coop asbl and Shelter Prod. With the support of, ING and the tax-shelter of the Belgian federal government and the City of Brussels. With the participation of the Centre des Arts Scéniques.